How to look after your berries
After leaving the orchard make sure you keep your berries in the coolest part of your car, the floor is always a good place.

Once you get home, if you are not eating your delicious berries immediately store them in the fridge, they will keep better and last for longer.
When serving your berries, ideally it is best to take them out of the fridge an hour before serving and eat them at room temperature. This ensures you’ll get the best possible taste.
Raspberries: are very delicate, so are best eaten that day, especially during the peak of a humid summer.
Strawberries: are at their eating best the first day or two after buying

Strawberries: Remove the green leafy part, then freeze in a shallow tray before transferring into a bag. This will prevent them sticking together.
Blueberries: Are naturally free flowing so you can freeze them straight into a bag.
Raspberries: Freeze in a shallow tray before transferring into a bag. This will prevent them sticking together.
Visiting us
We would love to see you at the Orchard.
We are open daily 9.00am to 6.00pm from Labour Weekend, until early May.
Not only is our store packed full of delicious berries, we also sell berry ice creams, coffee, berry smoothies, jam and homemade berry muffins.
Berry Availability (weather dependant):
Strawberries: October to early March
Blueberries: December to April
Raspberries: December to April
Check out our Facebook page for the latest updates on availability.
After berries for a special occasion or Christmas Day?
Call or email us to place an order
07 8778490 or
Please note, delivery is not available, all orders must be picked up from the orchard.